With so many social events going on around Christmas, it can be especially tough to take a break from drinking alcohol during the holidays.
Even so, the best way to stick to going “dry” for a few weeks is to focus on what you’ll be gaining from a health perspective instead of lamenting about what you might be missing out on.
Below are some of the top benefits of taking a break from drinking.
You’ll Sleep Much Better
While many people swear by having a drink or two at night to help with relaxation and falling asleep, alcohol has been shown to seriously interfere with your sleep cycle.
Research conducted at the London Sleep Centre suggests that this is because alcohol disrupts your deepest stage of sleep, being REM sleep. This means while alcohol might help you to nod off, it results in a restless type of sleep, which will leave you feeling fatigued throughout the following day.
And the more you drink before nodding off, the worse the impact will be on your body’s ability to revive itself when you sleep.
Your Relationships Will Thank You
A surprising number of people only spend time with their friends over a couple of drinks.
The good news is that spending some “dry” time together will leave you pleasantly surprised as you’ll likely enjoy more meaningful conversations.
Instead of bonding over a few drinks, try taking a walk together or even an enjoyable breakfast. You can even do other things you enjoy together, such as playing at an online Canada casino. Spending peaceful and meaningful time with your tribe can be a nice break from having to raise your voice to be heard at the pub.
Reduced Stress
Even though a drink may seem to help you unwind after a tiring and stressful day at the office, research clearly suggests that regular drinking makes it much more difficult to cope with stress and anxiety.
While alcohol can relieve stress in the short term, it’s a far cry from treating underlying mental health issues and psychological distress. In fact, there is a definite connection between the consumption of alcohol (especially in excess) and depression and anxiety.
Lower Risk Of Disease
According to the World Health Organisation, at least 3 million deaths occur annually due to alcohol consumption.
There are proven links between alcohol use and a range of life-threatening illnesses like high blood pressure, infectious diseases, depression, liver disease, cancer, and heart disease.
Even just reducing your alcohol intake can greatly benefit your mental and physical health in the long run.
It Will Improve Your Mood
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a depressant. This is because it slows down your body and alters the chemicals in your brain.
Consuming more than two drinks a day can increase your risk of developing a range of mental health problems, including anxiety, chronic fatigue, stress, and depression.
To this end, it is important to analyse exactly why you feel the need to drink to mask your emotions. If you find yourself in the habit of numbing your feelings by having a drink, be sure to consult with your GP.